Make sure you complete three different ways to find the change to your purchases from the Superstore flyer. Remember to choose any BILLS to create your subtraction question.
Purchase $6.94
Pay with $10.00
9 9 10
Strategy #1 $10.00
$3.06 Pencil and Paper
Strategy #2 $9.99 + 1 cent
$3.05 + 1 cent = $3.06
Strategy #3 Number Line (sorry, can't show hops)
+ 6 cents + $3.00 $3.06
$6.94 $7.00 $10.00
Class mass tomorrow at St. Nicholas. Please keep practice pronouncing your words clearly and loudly. DRESS NICELY for mass!
Physical Education:Self-Control
Reflect on your behaviour in class today.
Physical Education:Self-Control
Reflect on your behaviour in class today.
- Were you setting a good example?
- Were you representing St. Nicholas positively to our instructor from Good Life?
- Were you respectful?