How did you do with your round table activity with your group? Were you able to read the climograph correctly? Take a look at the climograph below. Try to summarize the average precipitation and temperature for each month.
Congratulations to those students who have started their Bit Strips culminating task. There are five tasks that you must do over the next few weeks as we wrap up our unit on Canada's Regions. Today you started your third, the summary table.
Math: Adding Money
Use the Superstore flyer to make 3 purchases of two or more items. Find the total of the purchases using three different strategies. Make sure you include the names of the items you are buying.
Example (one purchase):
1 1
$5.98 $6.00 $6.00 + $0.02
$2.96 $2.94 $3.00 + $0.04
$8.94 Pencil and Paper $8.94 Making magic "dollars" $9.00 - $0.06 = $8.94
Tomorrow we'll be working on strategies to find the change.
Our class will be leading the mass on Wednesday. Please practice reading your part slowly, clearly and loudly. Our class will also be leading the school in the singing and actions of "Trading my Sorrows".
The Gummy Bear Problem
We have to share 441 gummy bears as fairly as possible. How many gummy bears will each person get if there are 23 students in the class? Hint: A handful of students will get an extra gummy bear. We can't eat them until the problem is solved!