Some of you have started the story map of your adventure narrative. Remember in the plot there must be danger, problem solving and unexpected events. The story must be about an exciting experience.
Starting Tuesday, if you are not finished all your writing assignments, please make arrangements to stay in for lunch recess or stay after school.
Today we began our topic of time. How many years in a decade? century? millennium? Remember ago means subtract and from now means add. Some of you are a little rusty with respect to telling time to the nearest minute.
See the links to the right for some simple games reviewing telling time.
How is light reflected off a mirror? Stay tuned tomorrow...
Religion Questions for Ascension:
Summarize the story of the Ascension.
Where did Jesus go on the Feast of the Ascension?
Why did Jesus have to "open the their minds"?
Go onto D2L at home through the board website. To login, use your e-mail address
(student number@365.ldcsb.on.ca) The password is the same one you use at school. Click on Learn360. There are two videos to watch:
Real World Science Light (overview of our unit on Light)
The Secret Shortcut