On Friday
we completed Theme Three. Throughout the unit we discussed:
- how new life was formed from the sperm and egg cells
- heredity
- growth of new life from a tiny cell to a new baby including twins
- delivery
- adolescence and the future
don't hesitate to ask questions.
time can be a little tricky. If you use a number line and count up, it's easy.
Remember you should be able to find the elapsed time given the start and end
times, the end time given the start and elapsed times, and the start time given
the elapsed and end time. Remember to use your common sense. Estimate about how
much time has gone by using the nearest hour.
Practice Questions:
How does
light reflect off a mirror? Again, nice job conducting the investigation.
Vocabulary so far:
natural light source, artificial light source, light source, ray of light, beam
of light, light waves.
next.... what materials do you think would make good reflectors? What colour do
you think reflects light the best? Think of objects at home that have
reflectors. Perhaps you were riding one this weekend...
Monday is
TRACK AND FIELD. Remember to listen to the radio and look on the Board Website
if the weather looks questionable. Bring hat, sunscreen, plenty of water, big
lunch, lots of healthy snacks, something to sit on, rain jacket (if rain is in
the forecast) and plenty of school spirit!
Let's go
Class Trip Update:
Thank you for submitting permission forms and money for our end of the year trip to the Ontario Science Centre. A special thank you to Mrs. Prince, Mr. Busch, Mr. Dixon, Mrs. vanDorst and Mrs. Mosey who have graciously volunteered to help with supervision.