Monday, 1 June 2015

Social Studies
Today we discussed the roles of men, women and children in Ancient Rome and Judea. Are there any similarities to your life at home? How are wedding customs different in Ancient Rome and Judea? Are there any customs from early societies that we still do today? Make sure you complete your Venn diagram in your notebook.

You can start your research at home. Type the different subtopics in a Microsoft Word document. Save it on a memory stick or save it in your drop box.
To put a document in your drop box:

  • Go to D2L (Snowflake on LDCSB website)
  • Use your e-mail and password to sign in
  • Go to select a course at the top and find Grade 4 Hollis HR 1415 (first one)
  • Click it
  • Go to assessment
  • Click on drop box
  • Open Early Societies
  • Add your file from your computer at home

What is the difference between mass and capacity? What units do we use for each?
A practical application is baking and cooking. Some ingredients are measured using capacity while others are mass. Complete your questions carefully for homework and explain your thinking or ideas clearly.

Make sure your math test is signed and returned.

Cassie gave us a lot of information about light today. What properties of light are similar to sound? What are some differences between light and sound? Can you see light in space? Why?

Rube Goldberg Science Task
Please start collecting material for the task. Watch the video links to get ideas. Look in the recycling bin for materials or in your toy box! What material is used for inclined plains? pulleys? levers?  - Tea Bag in a Cup  -  Creme That Egg!  - Cereal and Milk - Dog Food Dispenser  -  Rube Goldberg 2008, Milne Valley MS - Legend of Zelda Rube Goldberg Machine How to make a simple Rube Goldberg Machine

Create Virtual Rube Goldberg: