Monday, 22 June 2015

Today we continued our discussion of fractions as part of a set, improper fractions and mixed numbers. The best way to compare fractions that are greater than 1 is to change them to improper fractions. Do you remember the shortcut to change from a mixed number to an improper fraction?

Try changing these to mixed numbers:

Try changing these to improper fractions:

We also made the connection between fractions and decimals.

Write the decimal:

Soccer Tournament
Tomorrow is our inaugural St. Nicholas Soccer Tournament. Please make sure you have the following for tomorrow:
Water bottle, sunscreen, hat, shorts, t-shirt, shin pads if you have them, running shoes (no cleats) and good sportsmanship.

Class Trip
Our end of the year trip to the Ontario Science Centre was a huge success. Although the trip home was longer than anticipated, it was lots of fun. A special thank you to Mr. Dixon, Mrs. Prince, Mr. Busch and Mrs. VanDorst for supervising.