Today we read an adventure story about an incredible experience that took place during and after a tornado. Look closely at how the author uses the dialogue to tell the story and about the personality of the characters. Do you remember the name of the scale Matthew shared with us that is used to describe tornadoes?
Making a model of a square metre wasn't as easy as some of you thought. Think about why you had difficulty. Was it the task or the ability of your group to work as a team?
Can you answer the following questions?
- How could you make a room less noisy?
- Explain two ways that you could amplify a sound when you are outside calling to a friend.
- What are echoes?
- Why should you protect your ears from loud noises?
Today you were given lists of words that you should be able to spell. Take a few moments in the evening to review the spelling of these high frequency words. Remember to change color to colour and favorite to favourite.
- If you have not submitted your field trip permission form and money please do so as soon as possible. The last day to order cast photos is Friday. They are $10.00 each.