Social Studies / Literacy
Today we discussed what reading strategy? We have practiced this reading strategy with fiction or narratives, but not with non-fiction information texts. It's.....SUMMARIZING!
Summarizing informational text is easy when you use the headings. The headings give a hint about what the main idea of the section is about. Choose key words in each section and then put them in a sentence. Repeat for each heading and voila! You have summarized the text.
Please make sure to get your test signed this evening and return it tomorrow. Make any corrections on a separate piece of paper. Remember what a student with a growth mindset might say......mistakes are an important part of learning. Tomorrow we start making change with money.
What gospel story did we read today? Do you remember what it was called? Who was with Jesus on the mountain? What Old Testament prophets appeared with Jesus. The message of the gospel is simple. Take time to listen to Jesus and see him in the faces of all those we meet.
Phys. Ed.
Lots of fun doing yoga with Kim today. Show your parents the positions you practiced today.
You should be finishing up your script for your weather report.Watch the Weather Station or a local broadcast of the weather to make sure you include all the necessary information?